As The Sage, discernment is your superpower.

When folks are busy barreling forward, you use that power to vet context and you appreciate the intricacies of nuance.

You are thoughtful and deliberate and make excellent decisions borne of due diligence. And you invite us to do the same.

A gentle reminder: you have plenty of time to get everything done — but not all the time in the world. 

Be wary that Procrastination doesn’t derail you. 

Let’s pause here for a moment. To avoid feeling like a fraud, the Imposter Complex has us hide out in certain behaviours: diminishment, perfectionism, comparison, leaky boundaries, people-pleasing, or in your case: PROCRASTINATION.

It’s an AWFUL feeling that we dread experiencing… being found out, right? The other shoe dropping. Being unmasked. WE know better, after all, than everyone around us. WE ARE THE IMPOSTERS. We are CERTAIN of it. And it’s just a matter of time before “THEY” find out.

So… why tip our hands? Isn’t it better if we just lay low? Stay out of action? Keep researching, incanting, and doing our “due diligence”, right? Then no one can find out that we really aren’t as capable as they had imagined, RIGHT???

Except this: when you stay out of action, you deprive us of the gift you are and the gifts you have. 

Imagine if Pema Chödrön and Maya Angelou tipped over into procrastination and didn’t ship their extraordinary bodies of work.  Imagine them sitting on the gifts that they’ve been given in the name of on-going careful deliberation...and let’s face it: resistance

Now imagine you may be doing the same.

Depriving us of the YOU that we need.

So don’t forget:

>> Do your due diligence, yes.

>> Vet context and allow for a deeper exploration of nuance, yes.

>> AND get into action.

Feel me?

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